It starts with you.

Our process begins with getting to know you and your goals. Tell us where you are and where you would like to be, and we'll work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs. And as your life changes, so will your plan, so it better aligns with your new path. 

We believe a detailed planning process can be one of the most effective ways to create financial security. An effective plan may not only provide financial security throughout your life, but it can also reduce the damage disability, critical illness, or other sudden losses of income may have.


So what are the steps?


1. Introductory Meeting

In our first meeting (virtually or in-person), we'll identify your goals, priorities, preferences, and any obstacles you may have. We'll also mutually establish what your expectations are for us, and what a successful relationship looks like.


2. Exploration & Preliminary Planning

After our first meeting, we'll take a deeper dive into your situation. As we have a more detailed conversation about your personal and financial goals, we'll start sketching a preliminary plan. The more open and transparent this phase is, the more detailed our plan will be.


3. Detailed Planning

Now that we have a foundation, we can deliver an easy-to-follow roadmap that will guide you towards your financial goals. This plan will address the areas that are most important to you, and outline the steps needed to conquer potential obstacles. Your plan will also aim to gain maximum returns via a solid, tax-efficient portfolio.


4. Ongoing Support & Advice

Life is constantly changing, and your goals will too. When new priorities lead you towards different approaches to wealth management and savings, we'll be here to adapt your plan, so it transitions along with you.


Why I love what I do

One of the best feelings in the world is being able to help people understand the kind of life they can live and the things they can do for themselves and their family as it relates to money. It’s gratifying to help people be as fiscally responsible as they can with their money. In some communities, money is almost a taboo topic. Growing up, it was “adult business.” Then those kids grow up and are embarrassed because they know they haven’t saved enough or made the best financial decisions – but who can they turn to? How great will it be to make decisions today that will ensure your great-great-great-grandchildren are financially secure? How incredible would it be able to have them attend college, graduate debt-free, and buy a home and a vehicle? You could provide them the opportunity to start their entire family off with a clean slate – all because of the decision you made today to set yourself and your family up for success.

People wonder why our kids today have a hard time launching. There’s a lot of weight on their shoulders because we don’t know how money works. We don’t know how compounding interest works, how to open different types of investment accounts, or about interest rates with cars and credit. There’s so much we don’t know! Rather than stay in the dark, why not come into the light and get the resources that will help propel you forward? When you have resources, you have options. And when you have options, you have room to try things – to take more chances. Without options, we’re very cautious, and we stay stagnant. I’m highly passionate about true equality in finance. I love working with people who want to learn. If you need help, you’re willing to learn, and you’re open to being guided by someone who cares to advise you with your best interest at heart, you’re in the right place

Contact us today to see how a financially sound plan may bring you closer to your goals.